Thursday, December 18, 2003
Bush Fucking Knew
LANCE CORPORAL IRWIN - All politicians lie. I mean...Ronald Reagan
swears he used to be an actor.
Former New Jersey Republican Governor Thomas Kean (the head of the 9-11 Commission panel) may be the Grinch that stole Dubya's Christmas celebration (whoopee! We got Saddam! Don't ya feel safer?). In an interview with CBS News, Mr. Kean revealed that "as you read the [final] report, you're going to have a pretty clear idea what wasn't done and what should have been done. This was not something that had to happen." Last year, after news first broke out about possible Dubya foreknowledge (who can forget the FOX-owned New York Post's front page headline screaming, "Bush Knew"), on May 16th national security adviser Condoleeza Rice protested, "I don't think anyone
could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." Dubya's worser half, Laura (while Bush has presided over countless executions and massacres, Laura actually did kill somebody. Vehicular manslaughter of her alleged boyfriend at the time when she was a young debutante) even assisted with the cover-up via overseas interviews. My hero, Kristen Breitweiser (a 9-11 widow) has been one of the best critical voices out there. "How is it possible that a national security adviser coming out and saying we had no idea they could use planes as weapons when we had FBI records from 1991 stating that this is a possibility." May I suggest that instead of building scary Libeskind's Freedom Tower, we build a prison to hold all the criminal Bushies and P-NACers.