Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Cons From a Neocon

Instead of stubbornly sticking with the "flip-flop" strategy that bombed in the first Kerry-Bush debate, Dick consistently deployed the term "consistency." While Senator Edwards used it first, Dick threw it back at him. Again. And again. And again. And again (and Dick's probably somewhere RIGHT NOW still saying it).

"It's a consistent pattern over time of always being on the wrong side of defense issues."

"You're not credible on Iraq because of the enormous inconsistencies that John Kerry and you have cited time after time after time during the course of the campaign. Whatever the political pressures of the moment requires, that's where you're at. But you've not been consistent, and there's no indication at all that John Kerry has the conviction to successfully carry through on the war on terror."

"And you cannot use "talk tough" during the course of a 90-minute debate in a presidential campaign to obscure a 30-year record in the United States Senate and, prior to that by John Kerry, who has consistently come down on the wrong side of all the major defense issues that he's faced as a public official."

"We have not seen the kind of consistency that a commander in chief has to have in order to be a leader in wartime and in order to be able to see the strategy through to victory."

"Makes no sense at all. It's totally inconsistent. There isn't a plan there."

"Well, Gwen, I can think of a lot of words to describe Senator Kerry's position on Iraq; "consistent" is not one of them."

"I think if you look at the record from voting for sending the troops then voting against the resources they needed when they got there, then saying I actually voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it, saying in response to a question knowing everything I know now, yes, I would have cast exactly the same vote and then shortly after that saying wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, consistency doesn't come to mind as I consider that record."

The neocon loves the "con" root. He also made considerable use of "conviction" and "convince."

"...and there's no indication at all that John Kerry has the conviction to successfully carry through on the war on terror."

"The problem we have is that, if you look at his record, he doesn't display the qualities of somebody who has conviction."

"And he's demonstrated, without question, the conviction, the vision, the determination to win this war against terror. And those very special qualities are vital in a commander in chief. And I think the president has them, and I'm not at all convinced his opponent does."

"I'm absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it."

Consider Dick's conviction to "consider."

"It's a very significant responsibility when you consider that at a moment's notice you may have to take over as president of the United States and make all of those decisions. It's happened several times in our history."

"And I think that probably is the most important consideration in picking a vice president, somebody who could take over."

"...consistency doesn't come to mind as I consider that record."

But neocons also show "concern."

"Concern about Iraq specifically focused on the fact..."

"And the fact is that the president felt that it was important to make it clear that that's the wrong way to go, as far as he's concerned."

"My concern is specifically with what's happened to our medical care system because of rising malpractice insurance rates, because we failed to adequately reform our medical liability structure."

"And they were deeply concerned because they were fearful that there'd be another increase in malpractice insurance rates as a result of what they believe are frivolous lawsuits and that that would put them out of business."

"The president has been deeply concerned about it."

But, of course, don't forget "confidence."

"And I'm confident that, in fact, we'll get the job done."

"We'll continue to very aggressively pursue him, and I'm confident eventually we'll get him."

Then Cheney concluded with, "I'm confident we can do it."

Will confident Dick con the concerned American public into allowing his confident Neocons to retain their considerable control? Considering Dick's record, he should be convicted.


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