Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Eminem's Mosh Continues

~A!'s blog, Watching The Watchers, posted an article about a new ending for Eminem's powerful Mosh video, which "depicts Senator Kerry crying on the Senate floor, the crowd storms into the Capital Building, carrying peace signs and protest banners." I'd like to add that next to Kerry and Edwards there is a sign that reads, "Count Every Vote." Go to Guerrilla News Network to check out the updated version for yourself: The Mosh Continues. "An alternative ending for the video provides the opportunity to remind all those who were inspired by the first version to not give up the fight. So if you are still searching for answers, know that our opinions still matter. We here at the GNN bunker have kept our chins up and heads down these past two weeks and have come back at you with a brand new ending. Our hope is that it will show our battered teammates and the rest of the world that we are not here to say sorry but instead, the fight continues and we will be heard."

~A! has some neat car magnets and ribbons for sale at his Website (WTW.org): "The time has come to proclaim our stance on this election, and on this president. Let the world know it wasn't you who voted for his sorry ass with these Car Magnets! No need to screw up the paint job, and quick to take down when they come for you! The Magnets are $6.50 USD, shipping and handling included. Ribbons are 4" wide by 8" tall, and the rectangles are 7.5" wide by 3" tall."


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