Saturday, December 04, 2004

Ohio Numbers Do Not Compute!

Okay, call me extremely confused.

Why does this link to Cuyahoga County, Ohio show that 1458 precincts were counted (, while this link to the Secretary of State Website says that there are only 1436 precincts in Cuyahoga County ( ?

What are the odds of Green Party candidate David Cobb receiving 24 votes statewide ( before the provisional and absentee ballots were counted, and after 186 votes ( Yes, I realize that Cobb was a write-in candidate, but the new, soon-to-be-certified total amounts to a more than 700 percent increase. Oddly enough, the Cobb figure posted on Thurday was 373, as I mentioned at Democratic Underground. Also, 66 of Cobb's votes came from Hamilton County, since he had zero votes before the provisional/absentee count that would be a 6600 percent increase, perhaps Cobb has a large family that lives there. One other third party candidate's revised numbers stand out; write-in candidate Joe Schriner's total jumped up from 14 to 114, an even higher percentage increase than Cobb's total jump, plus that's a suspicious-at-least-to-me 100 extra vote gain right on the dot.

The presidential votes counted for the state stand at 5,625,631, up from 5,481,804, an increase of 143,827 votes. It's been reported that 121,598 of the provisional ballots were approved, which means that 22,229 overseas absentee ballots were included. Kerry picked up a total of 17,708 votes with the additional ballots.

I imagine these numbers may be revised again. I don't have to imagine that I'll most likely still have questions after those changes.


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