Friday, February 11, 2005
Alan Keyes & Talon News
Yesterday, I blogged about some ties between Talon News (GOPUSA) and Renew America - a Website devoted to the "ideals" of black conservative Alan Keyes. But there's a much larger relationship that I haven't gotten into yet.
Bruce Eberle, a relative of Talon News/GOPUSA head honcho Bobby Eberle (many blogs are reporting that Bruce and Bobby are brothers...but I can't confirm that...and a commenter on my haloscan claims otherwise...I can confirm that Bruce wrote that Bobby is "of what you might call the "Texas branch" of the Eberle clan" here), has been one of the nation's largest fundraisers for conservatives over the last thirty years. According to the Website of Eberle Communications Group, the family of companies - which include Omega List Company and Bruce W. Eberle & Associates - have raised over 500 million dollars through postal and e-mail solicitations.
Bruce Eberle also is behind Millions of Americans, a Website devoted to Conservative grassroots activism. Millions of Americans grew out of Election Integrity 2000, which was quickly started in November of 2000 during the Florida recount. In March of 2004, GOPUSA and Millions For America officially merged, and Bruce let Bobby take over the reins for both sites (cache link).
Bruce Eberle and Alan Keyes have known each other since 1967, when they met at a convention held by Young Americans For Freedom (YAF), "the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement." In 1996, Bruce W. Eberle and Associates acted as fundraisers for the Alan Keyes for President campaign (cache link).
GOPUSA started a petition in August of 2004 to encourage Alan Keyes to run for the Senate in Illinois against Barack Obama (link), although only 3340 people signed it.