Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thor & Conan Vs. America's Voters

(The two best voting fraud bloggers on the Internet each have sensational stories today. First up, The Brad Blog.)

Brad Friedman writes "As reported here earlier today, the U.S. House Administrative Committee hearings yesterday in Columbus featured testimony from St. Louis attorney, Mark F. (Thor) Hearne, II of the "non-partisan" American Center for Voting Rights (AC4VR). According to Internic records, the AC4VR was established on the web just last Thursday and early investigation into this group would seem to indicate that it is little more than a front group for Republican operatives with little or no interest in actual "Voting Rights" at all." (link "New 'Non-Partisan' 'Voting Rights' Org Appears Little More than Republican Front Group!")

Brad also mentions that "Hearne, a former Reagan Administration official, is the National Election Counsel to Bush-Cheney ’04 Inc. and was Missouri counsel to Bush-Cheney ‘00 Inc. As well, he was General Counsel to Republican Missouri Governor Blunt."

But Thor's much more than that.

I found this "interview" at the Lathrop Gage Website (the law firm that Thor works for...I thought Thor was supposed to be a doctor...am I mixing up my Asgardian Gods...where the hell is Balzac?) which contains astonishing information about a man who was allowed to testimony at a House committee that was partly devoted to what may have transpired in the last election (cache link):

"From September through the election, Hearne traveled to every battleground state and oversaw more than 65 different lawsuits that concerned the conduct of the election. Every case was favorably resolved and included matters before various state supreme courts, several emergency appeals to the 6th circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and writs to the U.S. Supreme Court as well as litigation in multiple federal district and state trial courts."

You don't say. Thor is the Terminator of the elections (or maybe not...read on).

Well, who the hell does Thor know?

""I was asked by President Bush’s uncle, Bucky Bush, to be the general counsel to the Bush-Cheney campaign in Missouri in the fall of 2003. (I had worked with the Bush campaign in 2000 and successfully represented the campaign in the City of St. Louis poll closing litigation and in Florida in 2000 in Broward County.)"

An astonishing tale.

But wait, you're saying, why the hell did you drag Conan into this?

"I was asked by a friend of mine, Chuck Bell, state party counsel to the California Republican Party to fly to California for the Gray Davis Recall election. Chuck and his team had done an outstanding job of organizing California for this election and had teams of lawyers ready to respond to any last minute election litigation. Because of some of my activity in Missouri and Florida in 2000, Chuck asked if I could provide any additional advice."

Do you see what we're up against, True Believers?

Doc Octopus Cheney, The Green Rumsfeld and the boy wonder Bush have assembled a super-team of super-villians who have stolen away our last two (three, four, seven...i give up...how many) elections.

Tobey Maguire, we need you to put on the suit again and stop these mad men.

Attention: House Administration Committee The next time Thor testifies in front of one of your little hearings again, cross-examine, because you can bet your sweet asses that he knows exactly what the fuck happened and who exactly did it.


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