Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year, Peeps!

Hope everyone has fun tonight! Even folks with nicknames like, say, Scooter who might not get a chance to go out and celebrate a year from now.

At Raw Story, Larisa, Avery and I picked out a bunch of our favorite stories from the 2005 RS files, which included two articles that I'm really proud to have worked on: Beyond Abramoff which was published a month before David Safavian was indicted and U.S. changed Iraq policy to begin airstrikes months before war which was cited in Congressman Conyers' recently released report advocating censure for Bush and Cheney. But there's tons of other great ones at that link that you may have missed this year so check it out.

Also, the other day I had a silly article at Raw Story that I forgot to link to: Bush 'porno posters' removed from Vienna's electronic billboards.

Finally, the interview with Bill Roggio should be posted by mid-week...most probably at RS.



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