Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Grover, Ralph and Jack Show

From my article at Raw Story (co-written by John Byrne), Email shows Norquist asked Abramoff for client's donations:

According to the last page of the 373-page final report issued by Senator John McCain and his Senate Indian Affairs Committee in an investigation into tribal lobbying matters related to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his former partners, a few nonprofit organizations may have run astray of the Internal Revenue Service.


According to the report, on February 9, 2006 "a number of relevant documents pertaining to this issue" were forwarded to the Senate Committee on Finance, recommending it to "investigate, hold hearings, and report to the Senate on its findings."


Documents referred to the Senate Finance Committee reveal Jack Abramoff's role in an unsuccessful campaign by A.T.R. against Bob Torricelli's race to replace New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley in 1996. It's been alleged that the Republican Party also assisted to stop Torricelli by donating millions to Norquist's group.


Ralph Reed, a longtime friend of Abramoff's who once served as the executive director of the Christian Coalition, also figures prominently in the documents referred to the Senate Finance Committee.

Reed, who is currently running for lieutenant governor of Georgia, has denied accepting "payments of any kind" from Abramoff.


But two newly released emails from 2000 may conflict with Reed's public statements of innocence.

Read the rest at Raw Story.


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