Monday, October 02, 2006

Did Foley break Florida laws?

Excerpts from a Raw Story article that I worked on with Brian Beutler called "Foley IM's appear to be 3rd degree felony:"

A passing statement in an instant message conversation with a teenage page might provide investigators with a damning piece of evidence suggesting criminal behavior in the case of former congressman Mark Foley, RAW STORY has learned.


However, by acknowledging his Pensacola, FL location, Foley may have offered evidence of his violation of Florida state law Statute 847.0135, which says:

"Any person who knowingly utilizes a computer on-line service, Internet service, or local bulletin board service to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, or attempt to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, a child or another person believed by the person to be a child--commits a felony of the third degree."

More at Raw.


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