Saturday, October 28, 2006
Santorum, Snow, Corker, Allen & Rove
I had a bunch of Raw Story articles the last couple of days, so many that I'm too wiped out to do more now than provide links.
White House spokesman spars with press regarding Cheney's torture 'admission'
Senator Allen releases graphic excerpts from Dem challenger's novel
GOP posts YouTube video of Ford's campaign staff 'freaking out' at cameraman
Senator Santorum defends 'mushroom cloud' ad
Passion's Caviezel, sports stars oppose stem cell research in new Missouri TV ad
Santorum knocks out wrestler in new campaign ad
Rove 'dukes it out' with NPR host over polling data
And here's a couple more from the last week that I wrote up for RAW which I forgot to link to here:
Kerry spokesman blasts 'cowards' who 'hide behind anonymous Web sites
NY Times ombudsman now says paper was wrong to report on banking-data surveillance program
And a few more from weeks before when I was laptop-less:
Judicial Watch: Elementary school training Mexican revolutionaries with US taxpayer money
Cheney: Lieberman 'case' illustrates basic philosophical difference between two parties
Bush '04 Video Flashback: N. Korea policy 'will work'
GOP leader claims Speaker's office acted 'pro-actively' and 'aggressively' in Foley case