Thursday, November 09, 2006

DeLay: A 'Texas whupping'

From Raw Story yesterday, DeLay: I'd call it a 'Texas whupping,' that's for sure:

Appearing on MSNBC's post-election coverage this morning, Tom DeLay, the former Republican House Majority Leader said that his party had suffered a "Texas whupping."

The former Republican leader resigned from Congress earlier this year after being indicted for allegedly violating campaign finance laws and amid reports of links to the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal. In the race for his seat, Democratic challenger Nick Lampson handily defeated his Republican opponent, Shelley Sekula-Gibbs, who ran as a write-in candidate since DeLay's name was still on the ballot.

MSNBC host Rita Cosby asked DeLay if he'd call the results, which put the Democratic Party in control of the House and in contention to control the Senate, an "avalanche, 'Black Tuesday,' or a political tsunami."

"Well, Rita, I'd call it a 'Texas whupping,' that's for sure," DeLay said with a chuckle. "The Republicans really took a bath last night."


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