Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Calling Out Liberal Bloggers

I'm calling out all bloggers on the left to stand up for truth and the "reality-based" community and help clear up the disinformation that's polluted our respective communities.

Too many people believe that there is no evidence that Jack Abramoff directed his clients to send campaign donations to both Democrats and Republicans.

Earlier today, Jeff Leen, Assistant Managing Editor, Investigative for the Washington Post conducted a live discussion with readers, that included a number of questions from presumably liberals that have been grievously misinformed about the paper's reporting.

My last post contained a link to a Committee on Indian Affairs hearing held on September 29, 2004, which included testimony from Richard Milanovich, chairman of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, and Bernie Sprague, subchief of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, who told the bi-partisan committee that Jack Abramoff and Michael Scanlon provided their tribes with lists of politicians and committees to contribute campaign donations to, which they did - though sometimes with reservations (no pun intended). Mr. Milanovich specifically testified that the lists contained Republicans and Democrats.

Here's an exchange from today's online discussion:

Abramoff directed his clients to make to Democrats: And again, I have yet to see any factual evidence reported about "directing". Say the text of an e-mail. Or a substantiated quote about it. All I've seen is "look, clients donated...must have been directed" bollocks.

You folks could save yourself a lot of hassle by sharing with us your factual evidence. Otherwise, it just seems you're playing games for the sake of a false balance.

Jeff Leen: You will find part of our evidence at link.

Abramoff sent his clients lists with specific directions on the amounts to donate to lawmakers and other groups, including some Democrats. The URL above takes you to one of those lists that we published last March.

Included on that list which The Washington Post published on March 13, 2005 are two Democrats, former Senators: Tom Daschle and Max Cleland.

The Coushatta tribe was "directed" to contribute $2,000 to Friends of Max Cleland for the U.S. Senate Inc. with the notation: "Very receptive to tribal issues." DASHPAC - the political action committee for former Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle - is also listed (though it's possible that a line has been crossed through the amount).

While this isn't evidence of wrong-doing (or any quid pro quo), this is evidence of Abramoff directing Indian clients to donate to Democrats as well.

As of now, the WaPo online discussion is not even listed at Memeorandum. Liberal bloggers who care more about truth than hypocritical partisanship should consider linking to it so that it does show up.


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